Fishing in Whitevale
Duffins Creek and Whitevale Dam
Fishing Season
Aquatic Species
Duffins Creek and Whitevale Dam
West Duffins Creek runs right through the heart of Whitevale. The creek was integral to the development and success of the village and has long been a popular destination for fishermen of all skill levels.
The Whitevale Dam is one of the major reasons that Whitevale has become such a popular spot for recreational angling. The dam (which was repaired in 2002) is currently used to provide a physical barrier to separate migratory fish species such as rainbow trout and chinook salmon (downstream of the dam) from native brook trout (upstream of the dam). Please note, fishing at the dam is not allowed.
The Seaton Hiking Trail is another key component to Whitevale’s success as a fishing destination. The trail runs alongside the creek, providing easy access for fishermen.
Fishing Season

Of course, the species you catch will be dependant on what season you decide to fish in Duffins Creek. Expect to catch rainbow trout in the spring, resident brook trout in the summer, and chinook salmon and brown trout in the fall.
As a general rule, no fishing is allowed in the Whitevale area of Duffins Creek from Mid November to the fourth Saturday in April each year; however, there are more specific date restrictions depending on the species of fish you are trying to catch (please consult the fishing schedule in the MNRF’s Ontario Fishing Regulations).
- Click here to view the fishing rules for Zone 17 (which includes Ajax-Pickering).
Aquatic Species
Atlantic Salmon
Although once a flourishing species, Atlantic salmon are now very rare in Duffins Creek; however, a recovery program is underway that included the installation of a fish weir. The weir is used to collect Atlantic salmon so that genetic testing can be performed to monitor the success of the program. Fishing for Atlantic salmon is prohibited year round.
Species Survey
A study was performed by the TRCA to determine the Aquatic Species that inhabit Duffins Creek; the following is a listing of their findings:-
American brook lamprey, northern brook lamprey
chinook salmon, rainbow trout, brown trout, brook trout
white sucker
northern redbelly dace, common shiner, spotfin shiner, common shiner x creek chub, bluntnose minnow, fathead minnow, blacknose dace, longnose dace, creek chub
brown bullhead
brook stickleback
rock bass, pumpkinseed, smallmouth bass, largemouth bass
rainbow darter, Iowa darter, johnny darter, logperch
mottled sculpin, slimy sculpin
Note: The list above is for all of Duffins Creek, therefore, not all of these fish can be found at or near Whitevale.